
Location: Chown Building, 753 McDermot Avenue, University of Manitoba, Bannatyne Campus


The 2019 VADA Program Summer School is an intensive three-day workshop for graduate and undergraduate students. Session topics include data visualization and analytic software, analysis of complex health data, and professional skill development. Speakers and workshop facilitators are from industry, government and academia.


  • To advance skills in the analysis and presentation of complex health data to diverse audiences;
  • To develop and enhance professional skills that focus on collaboration, project management, and career development;
  • To facilitate networking with peers, industry experts, and leading researchers in methods for complex health data.

Highlights Include:

Wednesday, June 12

Statistical Methods for Neuroimaging Data Analysis – Dr. Linglong Kong

Techniques for Reproducible Visualization in R: Graph as a Sequence of Three Functions – Dr. Andriy Koval

Wednesday will also include a Networking Reception & Research Posters from the University of Manitoba and University of Victoria students.

Thursday, June 13

Using GitHub for Data Science: Version Control, Project Management, Promotion – Dr. Andriy Koval

Data Science, AI, and Health: Where are we Headed? – Dr. Joon Lee

Data Visualization Strategies and Tools for Microbial Genomic Epidemiology – Anamaria Crisan

Friday, June 14

Jupyter Notebook: A Modern Tool for Open, Reproducible, and Distributable Data Science – Adrian Zetner

Click here for Full Program Session Descriptions


Poster – Visual and Automated Disease Analytics (VADA) Program Summer School


Registration fee is $180 (includes breakfast, lunch, research reception and breaks)

Graduate and Undergraduate students only.

Registration Cancellation Policy:

A registration refund will be made upon written request on or before May 31, 2019. A $35 administrative fee will be retained. No refunds will be made for cancellations after this date.

For more information regarding the VADA Summer School, please contact

For information related to the VADA Program, visit

To register, click HERE.